research project with asociated theater "WUK" foundet by the german network of free theaters in 2022
Starting point was the research of scientific positions on the subject of the sense of touch, the haptics of textiles, synaesthesia and aesthetics were researched. The focus was on the anatomical processes of the sense of touch, as well as on the current state of research on the importance of haptics and the sense of touch for social coexistence.
Scientific work on the sense of touch is underrepresented compared to the other senses, such as sight and hearing. This also reflects the place that the sense of touch occupies in Western society. It receives little attention and there is a strong focus on the visual.
Various scientific papers suggest that perception knows no hierarchies of the senses and works best when all senses are allowed to be used. This holistic approach is linked to the idea of expanding the theatre experience to include the sense of touch.
In the second part of the project period, haptic backdrops were therefore built that are intended to appeal both haptically and visually. In different formats from 50 x 120 cm to 5 x 10 cm, 26 objects made of various materials have been created, which invite the hands to feel and give pleasure to the sense of touch.
At two evening events in the WUK Theater residence, the objects were exhibited and the visitors were invited to feel the objects intensively. For this purpose, a questionnaire was provided on which associations and thoughts about the objects could be noted.